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- Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
- PC Gamer Demo Version Readme
- Copyright 1998 Monolith Productions, Inc.
- ******************************************************************
- This document contains valuable information about running the
- PC Gamer Demo Version of Shogo on your PC hardware. It also contains
- information about features that can be found in the full version
- of Shogo.
- ******************************************************************
- ******************************************************************
- - Pentium 166 or equivalent (Pentium II Recommended)
- - Pentium 233 or equivalent for software rendering
- - 4MB (or greater) D3D compatible video card recommended
- - 32MB RAM
- - Windows95/98
- - DIRECTX6 (included on the PC Gamer CD)
- - 50MB hard drive space
- ******************************************************************
- If you gotten this far, you probably already have the Shogo Demo
- installed. If you haven't installed it yet, just run setup.exe
- to begin the installation.
- This demo will be installed into c:\games\ShogoDemo by default,
- and a Start Menu shorcut will be installed under:
- Programs...Monolith Games...Shogo Demo
- ******************************************************************
- DirectX6 is required for this Demo Version of Shogo. You can
- install DirectX6 off the PC Gamer CD, or you can get it from
- Microsoft www.microsoft.com
- In most cases DX6 will install new video and audio drivers
- for your system. If you have not updated your drivers for your
- video or hardware recently, we strongly suggest that you update
- your drivers, regardless of the DX6 recommendations during
- installation.
- Although you may not be prompted for a restart after
- installing DX6, we HIGHLY recommend that you restart your
- computer anyway.
- ******************************************************************
- Shogo supports Microsoft's Direct3D 3D Hardware API.
- Direct3D provides excellent performance and hardware support
- for most 3D video cards. However, you may need to install the
- most recent video drivers for your 2D/3D hardware to get the
- best performance from Shogo.
- For informaton on a specific video card, see the 3D HARDWARE
- section in this readme.
- For information on sound cards, see SOUND CARDS & IMA.
- ******************************************************************
- 5.1 Launch Button
- Click Launch to start Shogo. The first time you run Shogo, you will
- be prompted to select a detail level. This detail setting will
- scale the content in Shogo to increase performance or increase
- visual quality. You can change this detail setting at any time
- during the game by selecting Options...Display from the in-game menus.
- Medium detail is the default setting, and is also a good choice
- for most systems. The detail settings are explained in depth in the
- section on DISPLAY DETAIL SETTTINGS in this readme.
- 5.2 Display Button
- The first time you run Shogo, we strongly suggest that you click
- the Display button in the Shogo launch box. This will test your
- video drivers to ensure DirectX6 compatibility.
- Because Shogo checks the DirectX status of your video card(s)
- when you click Display, if you do not have DX6 compatible video
- drivers, you may encounter problems. Shogo uses the same routine
- to initialize your video card when you click launch, but by clicking
- Display you can see the results. If you encounter problems after
- clicking Display (this is rare) please refer to the TROUBLE SHOOTING
- section of this readme.
- 5.2.1 Choose your video card
- Display allows you to choose your display device (e.g., the
- video card) that you want to use to play Shogo. Only DirectX6
- compatible devices will be displayed in the display window. You
- can also switch your display device at any time during the game
- by choosing Options...Display...Change Mode.
- 5.2.2 LithTech Direct3D Renderer
- To use 3D hardware acceleration (if you have a D3D compatible 3D
- video card installed in your computer), choose LithTech Direct3D
- Renderer in the Renderers window, and then choose your display
- driver (your video card) in the Displays window.
- If you are running a 2D/3D video card such as a Riva 128, your
- card will show up as "Primary Display Driver". If you are running
- a pass-through card such as a 3DFX-based card, it will be listed
- below Primary Display Driver as something similar to
- "3DFX Interactive Voodoo".
- Not all video cards support 3D hardware acceleration. If you are
- uncertain about whether your video card has 3D hardware acceleration
- features, please refer to your card's documentation.
- For more information about a specifc 3D video card, see the
- 3D VIDEO HARDWARE section of this readme.
- 5.2.3 LithTech Software Renderer
- To run Shogo without 3D hardware acceleration, choose LithTech
- Software Renderer in the Renderers window. Then choose your video
- card in the Displays window. If you are running the LithTech
- software renderer on a system with multiple video cards, we
- strongly suggest choosing your Primary Display Driver (your 2D card)
- in the Displays window.
- 5.2.4 Resolution
- You can also set your resolution screen size in the Shogo Display
- Settings. The default resolution for Shogo is 640x480 16bit.
- Selecting lower resolutions (512x384) may increase performance
- at the expense of detail. Selecting higher resolutions (800x600,
- 1024x768) may decrease performance, but may look better.
- If you are running the LithTech Software Renderer, we suggest
- running a low resolution (320x200) first to test the performance
- on your computer.
- You can also change the resolution at any time during the game by
- choosing Options...Display...Change Mode.
- 5.3 More Games Button
- Click the More Games button to access demos and movies of other
- Monolith titles from the Monolith Website.
- 5.4 Advanced Button
- The Advanced Options are designed for advanced users and trouble-
- shooting only. Some of the advanced options may not be compatible with
- all hardware. Mixing and matching some advanced options may cause
- unpredictable results. For the most up to date Advanced Options details,
- check out the Shogo website www.shogo-mad.com.
- Disable Sound
- This will disable all sound fx in Shogo.
- Disable music
- This will disable Shogo's Interactive Music Architecture, or IMA.
- Some sound cards may have incompatibilities with IMA. Used for
- troubleshooting only.
- Disable light mapping
- Turns off light mapping (a shadow-lighting effect) in all display
- detail settings. This option is also available through the in-game
- menus.
- Disable fog
- Disables all atmospheric (not clipping plane) fog. No performance
- increase or decrease. Strictly subjective, although may be useful
- on cards that "almost" support table fog.
- Disable line systems
- Disables all line systems in Shogo. Line systems are used for
- tracer fire on many enemy weapons. Unlikely to provide any
- performance increase, but useful as a troubleshooting item.
- Disable model full brights
- Some textures/models in Shogo use a palette technique that makes
- certain colors always bright, regardless of the surrounding light
- conditions (e.g., making them "fully bright"). This option is also
- available through the in-game menus, and is disabled in medium
- detail mode.
- Disable DirectX6 commands
- Use only for troubleshooting. Probably doesn't do what
- you think it does.
- Enable optimized surfaces
- Optimizes the way 2D surfaces (e.g., ammo, health, armor,
- crosshair) are drawn. Checking this on AGP cards may
- provide a performance increase, especially on Intel i740-
- based cards. This option may cause problems on some 3DFX
- cards, depending on which drivers are installed.
- Enable poly gap fixing
- Fixes noticable gapping between polygons on some 3D video cards.
- A MUST for Riva 128 video cards. May slow performance on
- low-end/older 3D video cards. Not a significant performance
- decrease on fast 3D cards. Makes everything look "nicer".
- Enable triple buffering
- Enables a feature on some video cards that can improve performance.
- Most AGP video cards benefit from this feature being enabled.
- However, this may cause lock-ups on some PCI video cards.
- Enable mipmap sharpening
- Sharpens the mipmaps (texures) for some ATI cards. Not really
- useful for anything other than making the textures look strange
- on most cards.
- Enable pixel doubling--LithTech Software Renderer ONLY
- Check this option only when using the LithTech Software Renderer.
- Useful for simulating low resolutions (320x200, 320x240) on 2D
- video cards that don't support low resolutions in 16-bit color.
- If you check this option and have 640x480 16bit selected as your
- resolution, Shogo will simulate 320x240. Can provide noticable
- performance increases at the expense of visual quality.
- Restore factory default settings
- This restores all configuration settings to the original factory
- defaults. Resets key configuration, detail level and sound. Useful
- if you're mucking around with detail settings and you just want
- things back the way they were.
- Command-Line
- Advanced users only. For more information on this feature,
- visit the Shogo website at www.shogo-mad.com.
- ******************************************************************
- This section contains specifics on 3D video cards, recommended Shogo
- settings, and driver information.
- For the most up to date information on "Shogo Certified" drivers, please
- visit our driver website at:
- drivers.lith.com
- 6.1 3DLabs
- www.3dlabs.com/drivers
- - Permedia2
- Works well, although no lightmapping.
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -LOW or MEDIUM (lightmapping will automatically
- be turned off on this card)
- -Turning on Shadows or Model FullBrights may cause texture
- corruption/flickering.
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- 6.2 Rendition
- www.rendition.com
- - Rendition V1000
- An older card.
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -LOW. 512x384
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- - Rendition V2100/V2200
- Works well, supports all features in Shogo.
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -LOW, or MEDIUM with Light Mapping set to off for
- best performance
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- 6.3 3DFX Interactive
- www.3dfx.com
- In order to get the best performance from any 3DFX-based card, we
- STRONGLY recommend that you upgrade to the latest 3DFX reference
- drivers.
- We have found that the 3DFX reference drivers work very well
- under DX6. For the most recent 3DFX reference drivers,
- please check:
- drivers.lith.com
- www.3dfx.com.
- - 3DFX Voodoo1
- The standard.
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -MEDIUM, 8-bit textures
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- - 3DFX VooDoo2
- Recommended Display Settings:
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- -Check "Enable poly gap fixing" in Advanced Launcher for increased
- visual quality with minimal decrease in performance
- 6.4 nVidia
- www.nVidia.com
- - Riva 128/128ZX
- As of our ship date, we have been testing all Riva 128-based cards
- with a soon-to-be released nVidia reference driver. This driver
- makes it possible to play Shogo with all features enabled. Please
- check the nVidia webpage or drivers.lith.com for the most up to date
- info on this chipset.
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -With drivers released after 9-15-98, MEDIUM
- -With drivers released before 9-15-98, LOW
- -Running in HIGH or MEDIUM or enabling LightMapping with the
- currently drivers released before 9-15-98 will result in
- gray-shaded world polygons. Disabling lightmapping fixes
- this problem.
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- -Check "Enable poly gap fixing" in Advanced Launcher options
- for all versions of drivers. THIS IS A MUST FOR THIS CARD
- to remove all polygon seaming issues.
- -Check "Enable optimized surfaces" for a slight performance
- increase
- - Riva TNT
- As of our ship date, we have been testing all Riva TNT cards with beta
- drivers. We do not anticipate any problems with this card. Please
- check the nVidia webpage or drivers.lith.com for the most up to date
- info on this chipset.
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -HIGH, 16-bit textures
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- -Check "Enable poly gap fixing" in Advanced Launcher for increased
- visual quality with minimal decrease in performance
- 6.5 Matrox
- www.matrox.com/mgaweb/drivers
- Please check the Matrox website for drivers.lith.com for the most
- recently released drivers for all Matrox products. D3D driver
- support is generally good.
- - G200 Millenium and Mystique
- Recommended Display Settings:
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- -Check "Enable Triple Buffer" for a decent performance increase
- -Check "Enable Optimized Surfaces" for a slight performance
- increase
- - Matrox MGA-1064 (Millenium II and Mystique)
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -LOW, 8-bit textures
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- - Matrox M3D
- - You may need to update your drivers through device manager instead
- of the setup program that comes with the driver set
- - Shogo detects that this card can't do LightMapping or
- "light add poly" and disables both
- - May experience texture mipmapping glitches
- - Chromed models are REALLY slow, so enabling Environment Mapping through
- the menus is not recommended
- - Some textures with alpha (4444) draw with alpha blending even if the
- alphablendenable state is off
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -LOW, 8-bit textures
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- -NONE--Shogo detects this card automatically.
- 6.6 Intel i740
- drivers.lith.com
- - ENABLE OPTIMIZED SURFACES. We have experienced instability on this card
- when Enable Optimized Surfaces is unchecked. We have also experienced
- some problems with drivers from various board manufacturers who use
- the i740 chipset. The Intel Reference Drivers appear to be the most
- stable of the bunch. However, Intel does not recommend end-users
- install these drivers. Check with your card manufacturer for
- the most recent certified drivers.
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -LOW or MEDIUM, 8-bit textures
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- -You must check "Enable Optimized Surfaces" on this card to avoid
- potential lockups
- -Check "Enable Triple Buffer" for a decent performance increase
- -LightMapping slows down this card big time. Disable it for a
- nice performance boost.
- 6.7 S3
- www.s3.com
- - S3 Savage
- Recommended Display Settings:
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- - Virge (Diamond Stealth 3D Pro 2000, IMagic 3D)
- - Get the most recent drivers from the S3 site. This board was an
- OEM video card in many, many PC's. The 3D hardware performance
- is questionable, but D3D will recognize this card as a 3D hardware
- accelerator.
- - runs decent in 320x240
- - Lightmapping and screen flash not supported
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -LOW, 320x240
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- 6.8 ATI
- support.atitech.ca/drivers
- - Rage Pro AGP 2X
- As of our ship date, ATI was in the process of testing beta
- drivers that improve the performance on this card dramatically.
- please check the ATI website for the most up to date drivers
- avaiable.
- Doesn't bilinear filter the alpha channel so stuff with alpha
- looks all pixelated even though the RGB is all pixelated.
- Recommended Display Settings:
- -LOW
- Recommended Advanced Settings:
- -Check "Enable mipmap sharpening" to cure the blurriness of
- textures
- ******************************************************************
- Shogo uses a new Interactive Music Architecture for music playback.
- You may experience problems with certain sound cards and music playback.
- Upgrading to the most recent drivers for your sound card usually solves
- the problem.
- For specific information about problems you might be having with your
- sound card, check the TROUBLE SHOOTING section of this readme.
- For the most up to date information on sound card driver combinations
- and settings, please visit drivers.lith.com.
- ******************************************************************
- Shogo contains several detail settings that will affect performance.
- You can change these detail settings through the in-game menus by
- choosing Options...Display.
- You can also choose Advanced through the in-game menus and and tweak
- each detail setting individually. Once you choose Advanced and change
- a setting, your detail setting will be displayed as "Advanced".
- Changing your Detail Setting back to LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH will
- reset any advanced options.
- Switching detail settings while in the game will result in a restart of
- Shogo's renderer, which may take several seconds.
- A good choice for systems near or at the minimum system requirements.
- Uses the least amount of texture memory. Turns off just about every
- detail option available in Shogo. Also the best choice when using
- the LithTech Software Renderer.
- A good choice for most systems. Uses less texture memory than high,
- but keeps most other special effects in place.
- Turns up everything in terms of visual look. Recommended only for
- high-end systems with fast 3D video cards. Uses the most texture
- memory, but looks the best.
- ******************************************************************
- Game speed and performance are dependent on several different hardware
- factors. The 3 major factors that affect performance in Shogo:
- CPU, 3D Video Card, and memory.
- If you are experiencing slow performance on your system, first try
- setting the Detail Setting under Options...Display to LOW. This
- setting will have the biggest single impact on performance.
- Shogo will default to using 8-bit (LOW) quality sounds unless you chose
- HIGH the first time you ran Shogo. Changing the Sound Quality to LOW
- under Options...Sound will save memory and can increase performance.
- Turning Music to OFF under Options...Sound may also increase performance
- slightly on slower CPU's. If you've turned everything else off and
- you're still looking for a couple of extra frames-per-second, set
- Music to Off.
- Model FullBrights and Environment Mapping can have a large impact on
- slower systems. These options are both set to ON when HIGH is selected,
- but are set to OFF in MEDIUM and LOW.
- Lightmapping can also slow some systems down. The Intel i740, for
- example, will see a large performance increase just by setting
- Lightmapping to OFF.
- For the most recent updates on performance tuning, go to the Shogo
- website at www.shogo-mad.com
- ******************************************************************
- Q: Many of the sounds in Shogo seem to be garbled. What's wrong?
- A: If you are running Shogo on a 3DFX card, your driver may be stealing
- some cycles from the bus. Install the latest 3DFX reference drivers
- from www.3dfx.com. This should cure the problem.
- Q: I installed DirectX6 during the Shogo installation, but now I can't
- use my 3D video card to run Shogo.
- A: This is likely the result of non-DirectX6 compliant video drivers.
- Please visit drivers.lith.com for the most recent information on
- drivers for your card. Or, try reinstalling DirectX6 and updating
- your video drivers when prompted.
- Q: When I click the Display button in the Shogo launcher, it pauses for
- a long time, and then nothing happens. What gives?
- A: Make sure that you have installed DirectX6. If you installed
- DirectX6, you may not have updated your video drivers. Reinstall
- DirectX6 and update your video drivers when prompted.
- Q: I have a joystick plugged into my comptuer, but Shogo won't
- recognize it.
- A: Check the joystick configuration in Windows. Go to Settings...
- Control Panel...Game Controllers and check to make sure that
- your joystick is configured correctly.
- Q: I can't switch to some video resolutions that are displayed under
- Display in the launcher and in the Change Mode option under the
- in-game Display menu.
- A: Shogo uses DirectX to query your card about display resolutions.
- Your driver may be reporting to DirectX that it can display at a
- certain resolution, even though the hardware does not support it.
- This is common on many 2D cards when running in software.
- ******************************************************************
- 11.1 KeyBoard Defaults
- The default keyboard controls can be customized through the in-game
- menus through Options...Keyboard. To customize a control, select an
- action, hit enter, and then press the key you wish to change the
- action to.
- F1 Mission Log
- 1 - 0 Weapons 1-10 (some not available in demo)
- Up Arrow Move Forward
- Down Arrow Move Backward
- Left Arrow Turn Left
- Right Arrow Turn Right
- C Duck
- Space Jump
- Alt Sidestep
- <, Sidestep Left
- >. Sidestep Right
- Ctrl Fire/Attack
- PgDn LookDown
- PgUp LookUp
- CapsLock Always Run
- TurnAround Backspace
- Z DoubleJump (MCA only)
- ] Next Weapon
- [ Previous Weapon
- T Chat/Say
- B Chase View
- / Mouse Aim
- X Crosshair Toggle
- End Center View
- V Vehicle Mode Toggle
- I Show Inventory
- F8 Screenshot
- + Increase Screen Size
- - Decrease Screen Size
- 11.2 Mouse Defaults
- The default controls for the mouse can be changed under
- Options...Mouse.
- Left Mouse Fire/Attack
- Center Mouse Sidestep
- Right Mouse Move Forward
- Smoothness This will change the "lag" that you feel in the
- mouse. Sliding it to the right will make the mouse
- feel smoother, but will also make it feel "mushier".
- Sliding it to the left makes it feel more precise,
- but will also make the movement feel "jerky", jerky.
- Sensitivity Makes the mouse more or less sensitive to input
- from movement.
- ******************************************************************
- - 2 modes of play: Onfoot and in-mecha
- - More than 20 weapons in 2 separate weapon arsenals (onfoot and in-mecha)
- - More spectacular special fx
- - An engaging single-player storyline that unfolds over 35+ levels
- - 12 multiplayer levels (6 onfoot and 6 in-mecha) for intense action
- - Standalone server that works under Win95/98 and NT!
- - Support for mods, custom levels, and extensions!
- - Much, much more (but hey, you already figured that... :)
- Shogo is currently available at your local software retailer...so
- what are you waiting for? Run out and grab it today!
- For more information about Shogo, be sure to check out the Shogo
- website at www.shogo-mad.com
- ******************************************************************
- Shogo: Mobile Armor Division PC Gamer Demo Version
- Developed and Published by Monolith Productions, Inc.
- www.lith.com
- www.shogo-mad.com
- www.lithtech.com
- www.captainclaw.com
- www.rageofmages.com
- www.getmedieval.com
- www.blood.com